

Pittosporum tobira

Pittosporum; Mock Orange

About This Plant

Morning sun/partial shade. Evergreen, with small leaves and leathery, glossy foliage. It’s often used as a hedge and typically grows up to 5 feet, but older plants can grow up to twice that size. Clusters of fragrant creamy-white flowers appear in spring. Green, variegated, and dwarf varieties are available. Pittosporum is a classic landscape shrub typically planted in dim settings, especially around live oaks. It tolerates sandy soils and grows quickly (up to two feet per year when young).

Origins: East Asia


In exposed locations, pittosporum appreciates supplemental water in hot weather. It is often hedged to control its large size. Many landscape crews shear pittosporum mercilessly, but it can also be trained up into a multi-trunked small tree.

Big, versatile. and well suited for dappled shade.

Min. Height: 6

Max Height: 30 feet

Min. Width: 6

Max Width: 10 feet

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