
Loquat Oak

Quercus rysophylla

Loquat Leaf Oak, Encino colorado

About This Plant

A fast-growing shade tree in the red oak subgroup, with large crinkled leaves that strongly resemble the unrelated Japanese loquat. In spring, the emerging new leaves add a striking reddish-purple tint to the canopy. Along with live oak and Monterrey oak, this is one of the few “evergreen” oak varieties available to Texas landscapers. Native to mid- and lower elevations in the eastern Sierra Madre, loquat oak has proven tolerant of much colder temperatures in Texas; full-size specimens can be seen at Trinity University and at the San Antonio Botanical Garden and as far north as Dallas and Nacogdoches. Loquat oak prefers well-drained soils and is drought tolerant once established. A fairly recent introduction to horticulture, it is not widely available commercially but worth the effort to find it.

Origins: Northeastern Mexico


As a red oak, loquat oak is vulnerable to oak wilt; prune only in winter and never in spring. Paint any wounds and beware of rookie arborists who don’t clean their tools.

A fast-growing, evergreen Mexican red oak.

Min. Height: 60

Max Height: 80 feet

Min. Width: 30

Max Width: 40 feet

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