
Carolina Jessamine

Gelsemium sempervirens

Yellow Jessamine, Evening Trumpet Flower, Carolina Wild Woodbine

About This Plant

Sun/part shade; evergreen, with yellow trumpet flowers in spring and fall. The twining vines mound up informally and can reach 20 feet, piling over trees and structures if allowed. But not to worry; in general jessamine is easily tamed. It’s long-lived in suburban landscapes throughout central and East Texas. It is, however, toxic to grazing livestock.

Origins: Southeastern U.S., to Central America


Prune with hand pruners in spring (AFTER blooming) and again as needed during summer; where possible, cut stems to their base, which may be the main vine. The sap can be irritating — so wear gloves. Mulch to maintain some soil moisture.

An evergreen vine, with sunny yellow flowers in early spring.

Min. Height: 5

Max Height: 20 feet

Min. Width: 10

Max Width: 20 feet

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