

Ocimum basilicum

About This Plant

Full sun; a warm-season annual with a sweet, pungent flavor. Widely used in Asian and Italian dishes, from salads to pesto. The aroma adds magic to any outdoor space in summertime. Basil’s square stems mark it out as a member of the mint family. It’s one of the easiest herbs to grow in the warm season, but does best with protection from wind and afternoon sun.  

Origins: India


Basil requires consistent soil moisture in summer, especially in pots; to an extent, afternoon shade can be substituted for water, but make sure to mulch. During the growing season, keep it compact and full (8 to 12 inches tall) by pinching off the tips and flowers. Replant in late spring after the danger of frost has passed.

The King of Herbs is a warm-season annual.

Min. Height: 12

Max Height: 18 inches

Min. Width: 9

Max Width: 18 inches

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