
Banner for Seed Starting and Plant Propagation

Seed Starting and Plant Propagation

Green Spaces Alliance 108 E. Mistletoe Ave., San Antonio, United States

February is a great time to start germinating seeds and splitting plants. But how can you grow things successfully from seed, and which plants can be readily propagated? Join Green Spaces Alliance for a one-hour workshop to learn how you can start prepping your spring plantings now. Guests will learn about the basic science behind […]

Green Spaces Alliance Compost System Basics banner

Compost System Basics

Beacon Hill Community Garden 1144 W. Gramercy Pl., San Antonio, TX, United States

What can compost do for your garden? How do you know what to compost? What does the composting process look like? Get answers to these questions and more at this upcoming workshop! Local expert Matthew Chandler will teach guests about the composting process and its benefits using Beacon Hill Community Garden's newly built composting bays.


Seed Saving for the Sustainable Gardener

William R. Sinkin Eco Centro 1802 North Main Avenue, San Antonio, TX, United States

Humans have been harvesting and saving seeds for millennia. How can modern gardeners continue the practice today, and why is it an important component of a sustainable home or community garden? Join Green Spaces Alliance to learn about seed saving, from its historic roots to its increasing relevance in the modern era. Guests will be […]
