
Mexican Orchid Tree

Bauhinia mexicana

Pata de Cabra

About This Plant

Sun or partial shade. A tropical evergreen; the common name Pata de cabra (Goat’s foot) refers to the sharply cloven leaves. Pinkish-white, ribbonlike blooms appear throughout the warm season. Usually grown as a shrub, Mexican orchid tree can form a small twining tree if sufficiently protected from cold. If it freezes to the ground in winter, it will swiftly return from the roots in spring to regain a shrublike form by summer. Mexican orchid tree attracts swarms of butterflies and hummingbirds to a sunny garden in summer and fall.

Origins: Mexico


None required for a shrublike shape, although extreme cold may kill it back to the ground.

Ribbon-like blooms look like it's always a party.

Min. Height: 8

Max Height: 12 feet

Min. Width: 10

Max Width: 12 feet

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