
Electronic water meters rolling out

Water bill sticker shock will soon be a thing of the past.

High water bills are as unexpected as they are unwelcomed. They often leave you wondering exactly what happened.

Whether it’s a running toilet, water hose accidentally left on or an unidentified leak, it’s a shock when your water bill suddenly skyrockets.

Until recently, there were only two options: Checking your water meter daily or buying and installing a third-party water flow sensor.

But a new option is rolling out across San Antonio — SAWS has begun installing the first wave of ConnectH2O meters.

Instead of once-a-month meter readings, the new electronic devices will be “read” automatically every hour, to help you better understand your water use and put an end to unexpected high water bills.

Over the next four years, SAWS will replace almost 600,000 meters throughout the city with the new electronic meters. And we plan to keep you informed every step of the way as the meter replacement team comes to your neighborhood with this exciting new technology.

SAWS is the largest utility in the nation to bring this service to our customers and we can’t wait for you to see it.

Learn all about this exciting new project and keep tabs on when it’s coming to your neck of the woods!

Picture of Seth Patterson
Seth Patterson
A naturalist by nature, Seth spent his early childhood crawling through creeks and caves of the Hill Country before moving to South Texas where he found his passion in nature photography. Now an avid scuba diver and underwater photographer, Seth follows the water wherever he lands and truly takes to heart his role as a conservation consultant for San Antonio Water System.
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