

Sun. Evergreen. Considered one of the loveliest native American trees. Magnolia’s white, fragrant flowers and perfect upright posture earn it an outsize role in Southern culture and horticulture. It’s fairly […]

Texas Redbud

Partial shade. The traffic-stopping sight of redbud in bloom is one of the earliest signs of spring; pink flowers smother the bare branches for a couple of weeks before the […]

Coastal Live Oak

Full sun in deep, well-drained soils. Evergreen and sprawling, with the stiff glossy leaves typical of live oaks. Coastal live oak is the classic live oak of the Southern U.S., […]

Lacey Oak

Sun or part shade; deciduous. Thick, distinctly bluish leaves have shallow lobes and nice fall color. Lacey oak tolerates thin soils and makes an excellent choice for a specimen in […]

Bird Wing Passionflower

Full sun to Shade. This native vine has small intricate green flowers. The odd Leaf shape is also a point of interest. Uncommon in the nursery trade but may volunteer […]

Bracted Passionflower Vine

Full/part shade; a native vine with small, intricate green flowers. Uncommon in the nursery trade but may volunteer in yards in Northern San Antonio. Homeowners lucky enough to have one […]

Yellow Passionflower Vine

Full/part shade; a native vine with small, intricate green flowers. Uncommon in the nursery trade but may volunteer in yards in Northern San Antonio. Homeowners lucky enough to have one […]

Lindheimer Daisy

Sun or partial shade. A reseeding wildflower. Appearing in winter as a distinct lettuce-like rosette of fuzzy, deeply lobed leaves, Lindheimer’s daisy begins growing swiftly in February. Blooms appear in […]


Dappled shade or morning sun. Evergreen, with feathery, threadlike leaves on tall, hollow stems. Umbels of tiny yellow flowers appear with warm weather. \n\nA soft-textured perennial in any herb garden, […]


Partial shade; best with up to 6 hours of morning sun. A short-lived biennial or perennial with blue-green leaves, blooming in red, white, pink and purple, mostly in spring but […]