

Part or full shade; evergreen, with dark green lily or grass like spreading foliage. An adaptable low-maintenance groundcover often used in formal landscapes, especially around live oaks. Inconspicuous flower spikes.


Sun or part shade. Deciduous, with thick glossy leaves and white flowers in late spring. The arching rubbery stems form small spreading colonies that make excellent drought- and cold-hardy specimens […]


Pittosporum leaves and flowers.

Morning sun/partial shade. Evergreen, with small leaves and leathery, glossy foliage. It’s often used as a hedge and typically grows up to 5 feet, but older plants can grow up […]

Possumhaw Holly

Sun/partial shade; deciduous, with unarmed branches. Possumhaw resembles its cousin, yaupon holly, but grows larger; the leaves are larger and more paddle-shaped. It’s admired for the female’s red fruit, which […]

Yaupon Holly

Sun or shade; evergreen, with small leaves. The female plant bears red fruit in winter, putting on a spectacular show and attracting birds (and wreath-makers.) On its own yaupon grows […]


Japanese plum is one of the earliest fruits of the year in San Antonio.

Partial shade; appreciates some protection from western summer sun. Evergreen, with long, large leaves. Fragrant flowers and sweet, bountiful orange plums during mild winters. \n\nLoquat is low-maintenance and rarely requires […]


Sweet acacia's yellow puff flowers are a standout in early spring.

Full sun. Semi-evergreen in warm winters, with delicate fernlike foliage, fragrant yellow puff blooms and a spreading, vaselike shape. Fast-growing and drought-tolerant, it provides easy, breezy shade and has been […]