
Resolve to Get Gardening and Get Healthy

Instead of spending time and money at the gym, spend it in your landscape. Resolve to combine your exercise resolution with your garden goals.

For a couple of years I’ve suggested New Year’s resolutions on various ways to reduce, reuse and recycle. And I stand behind those resolutions. But we all know that the most common resolution for Americans is to get healthier.

So this time I’m suggesting that instead of spending time and money at the gym, spend it in your garden. Resolve to combine your exercise resolution with your garden goals.

It’s been said the best way to keep a New Year’s resolution is to be specific in your goals. So here are a few ideas to get gardening and get healthy.

If you have a get gardening-get healthy idea, we want to hear it! Share it with us on Facebook or Twitter. And, if you try any of our ideas, let us know when you’ve accomplished them. We want to celebrate with you!

Have a happy and healthy 2018!

Picture of Dana Nichols
Dana Nichols
As conservation manager at SAWS, Dana spent her days promoting beautiful San Antonio landscapes that need little to no water while benefiting Texas wildlife. While she’s no longer whipping up new landscape programs, she’s still cooking up delicious dinners made with fresh herbs from her low-water-use garden or planning the next trip with her husband, Rick -- preferably to some exotic place that requires a passport.
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