

Ligustrum spp.

Privet, Glossy Ligustrum, Japanese Ligustrum, Chinese Ligustrum

About This Plant

Not Recommended. Included here as an example of aggressive non-native species to avoid in south-central Texas, the ligustrums include several privet species used by homebuilders as instant evergreen hedges. Introduced as an ornamental, ligustrums have long escaped cultivation and some have come to dominate urban woodlands, where they replace native plants and trees. Glossy ligustrum’s purple berries are particularly noticeable in spring, when birds spread them, littering the ground with purple splatters. For a informal screening hedge, consider non-invasive native alternatives like cherry laurel, yaupon holly, silktassel, Texas mountain laurel, Texas torchwood, evergreen sumac, Ashe juniper, and cenizo.

Origins: East Asia


Can be cut to the ground to restart or control its size. Frequent hedging helps to maintain it at a lower height; if performed during the May bloom and summer growing season, it limits fruit production and helps prevent reseeding.

An invasive privet that forms monocultural stands, dominating native woodlands in Texas and the Southeastern U.S. Not recommended.

Min. Height: 20

Max Height: 40 feet

Min. Width: 20

Max Width: 30 feet

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