I don’t know what it is about fall, but inevitably about this time of year I start itching to work on crafting projects, try new recipes and plant something. Like most people I have more great ideas than time so this year I found a way to combine all three of my hobbies into one project by building an herb tower.
An herb tower can be kept on yourkitchen window or outside on the porch or deck. It’s a fun project the whole family can get involved in and can be as simple or as complicated as you choose. You can use any number of materials to personalize your herb tower; the possibilities are limited only by your imagination.
For my project I decided to keep it simple, using terracotta pots, craft store acrylic paints and a wooden dowel.
1. Gather your supplies. The bottom pot is the support for the tower and should be slightly larger than the others. I used a 6-inch pot and three 4-inch pots. You’ll also need a glue gun, a foam brush, a few rocks, potting soil and your favorite herbs. I used oregano, thyme, sage and garlic chives. When choosing your herbs think not only about what you like to cook with, but also texture and height as you design your tower. | ![]() |
2. Paint the pots with the foam brush and acrylic paint. I chose bright primary or secondary colors. The paint dries pretty quickly but depending on the color you used, you may need to do a second coat. | ![]() |
3. Glue the dowel to the bottom pot. When the glue is dry put in the small rocks for added support. Thread the smaller pots onto the dowel, tilting them to alternating sides. | ![]() |
4. Plant your herbs. Gently loosen the excess soil around the root ball before you put it in the pot; then fill in the empty spaces with potting soil. Water in your newly planted herbs and place your herb tower in its new home. | ![]() |
Remember, your new plants will need light so find a bright spot if they will be kept indoors. For decorative outdoor containers try using plants that will add color to your landscape and provide nectar for butterflies and hummingbirds.