
Want to Reduce Your Water Footprint? Take Baby Steps.

We often hear about the carbon footprint we leave behind, but did you know we leave a water footprint too?

A water footprint is an assessment of direct and indirect water use. It includes observable household consumption like bathing, laundry, cooking and irrigation. But it also factors in less obvious impacts, such as water to produce the food, clothing and other products we rely upon daily.

While there are many ways to reduce your water footprint, it helps first to understand how our daily lives impact water consumption.

  • Use this nifty calculator to measure your household water use, the average water use per person, and how your water footprint compares to the national average.
  • Wondering why your water footprint matters? Get the answers to this and many other questions you have.
  • Curious about water footprint-related facts and figures, definitions or just interested in a cool iPhone app? It’s all here.

Start small to save big. Installing water-efficient toilets and shower heads, repairing leaky toilets and faucets, and running your irrigation system conservatively are all ways to cut back water use. In fact, landscape irrigation continues to be a major contributor to the size of our water footprint.

If you’re not sure where to start, give us a call to schedule a free consultation with one of our conservation experts. We’ll measure your indoor and outdoor water use and provide recommendations to help you save water and money. Call 704-SAVE today to reduce your water footprint!

Picture of Adolph Garcia
Adolph Garcia
Adolph ‘Marty’ Garcia is SAWS’ numero uno, top dog, the go-to guy for all things irrigation and has the experience (that would be 35 years) and professional memberships to back up such a stellar reputation. Not only is he a SAWS senior conservation consultant, but he also holds a Texas irrigators license, in addition to a plethora of other credentials. (Did we mention he’s a licensed plumber, too?) Teaching people about water issues is his passion, second only to America’s pastime – baseball – and the hot dogs, pretzels and beer that go with it.
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